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Professor Angela Daly profile photo

Professor Angela Daly


University of Dundee

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Professor Angela Daly PhD SFHEA is an international leader in the regulation and governance of new (digital) technologies, and in the theory and practice of knowledge exchange. She is Professor of Law & Technology in the Leverhulme Research Centre for Forensic Science and Dundee Law School. She works across data protection, intellectual property, competition law, network industry regulation and human rights law from transnational socio-legal perspectives. She is the author of Private Power, Online Information Flows and EU Law: Mind the Gap (Hart 2016), Socio-Legal Aspects of the 3D Printing Revolution (Palgrave 2016) and is co-editor of the open access book Good Data… [Read more]

Professor Darek Ceglarek profile photo

Professor Darek Ceglarek


University of Warwick

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Professor Darek Ceglarek is EPSRC Star Recruit Research Chair at WMG, University of Warwick, United Kingdom (UK) and a CIRP Fellow. Previously, he was Professor with tenure in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA. He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, USA in 1994. His research focusses on smart manufacturing, closed-loop quality control; and data mining/AI for root cause analysis across design, manufacturing, and service.  He has mentored numerous post-doctoral fellows, and PhD and master’s students.   Several of his former post-doctorate fellows and graduated PhD students are professors… [Read more]

Dr Pasquale Franciosa profile photo

Dr Pasquale Franciosa


University of Warwick

0 blog posts

Dr Pasquale Franciosa is Associate Professor and Head of Laser Beam Welding Applications Lab at WMG, the University of Warwick. Published 90+ papers (H-Index 20) and 3 patents, received five best-paper awards and one industrial award. He is regular reviewer of major international journals in smart manufacturing systems, engineering design and optimisation, sensors and laser material processing. Member of the editorial board of the ASTM Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing Systems Journal. PI/co-I for several funded projects (both industry, UKRI and EU), which created trust and reputation in solutions for laser beam welding. He is currently focusing on integrating Industry 4.0 tools and robotics technology for autonomous laser beam… [Read more]
