Dr Tiziana Callari
Senior Research Associate
Loughborough University
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Tiziana is a Senior Researcher in Work-Organisational Psychology and Human Factors. She obtained her PhD in Applied Psychology and Ergonomics at the University of Turin, and then pursued her academic career overseas employing interdisciplinary approaches at different Schools and Research centres in: US (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston), Australia (Deakin University), Ireland (Trinity College, Dublin) and the UK (Coventry University, Coventry; University of Leeds, Leeds).
Taking a systems approach, her research interests focus on improving the interaction between work operators and the different systems’ components/elements. In her research, she has addressed topics such as; safety in different (e.g. transport, healthcare, etc.) sectors under a HFE perspective; design and development of smart and haptic technologies to improve wellbeing and work conditions; HCI e HMI evaluation; work on adaptive/intelligent systems that may include Machine Learning tools. Methodologically, her interests mainly lie in the qualitative and participative research strategies.
Tiziana’s research has been supported by a range of funders including the European Commission (FP7, H2020, HORIZON), the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), the Coventry University’s and Leeds University Business School’s Cooperation Funds.
Email: t.callari@lboro.ac.uk